Well+Being Holistic Mental Health
“Emotional Health & Wellness Tips From The Therapy Couch And Other Places”

Stress Less, Live Better
Stress is present for all of us, especially when we live and work in busy cities like Manhattan and attempt to manage the demands of work-life balance. Chronic, unrelenting stress can affect one's physical and mental health—we have the science to prove this. Stress also regularly shows up in the body as pain and other symptoms, in addition to accelerated aging. Unmanaged stress can lead to insomnia and memory problems, increase one's risk of heart disease, have an impact on diabetes and arthritis, contribute to the development of eczema and autoimmune disorders, and even lead to reduced resistance and immune system depression.
Changing habits and negative thoughts can be a challenge for most of us, but with stress management support, it is possible to eliminate the old and adopt healthier, health-sustaining habits. Those who have a difficult time coping with stress on their own often turn to unhealthy ways of coping such as food, substances and behavioral addictions, which then leads to what seems to be a never-ending cycle of shame, leading to more unhealthy ways coping.