Well+Being Holistic Mental Health
“Emotional Health & Wellness Tips From The Therapy Couch And Other Places”

Tame Your Harsh Inner Critic With Curiosity, Compassion, IFS & EMDR Therapy
Do You Have A Harsh Inner Critic That Sabotages Your Life? You don’t have to be a trauma survivor to have a harsh inner critic. The self-critical inner voice is persistent and continues to negatively judge and even sabotage dreams and aspirations. In fact, mental health challenges such as depression and anxiety can be rooted in this unhealthy self-dynamic. As anyone tormented by an unkind inner-critic knows, The near-constant flood of negative feelings and emotions linked to the inner critic can also be a great source of stress and self-sabotage.
The truth is, we all have different “parts” that make up our personality, and in ego psychology, we call these sub-personalities. These parts are part of an internal system, kind of like a family that lives within. Sounds extreme, and yet we are not talking about having multiple personalities in the same way someone with a diagnosis of a personality disorder or DID exhibits unintegrated parts (although that is considered the extreme presentation of the same continuum). Have you ever caught yourself saying, “well, part of me wants to do it, and another part says no.” How common is this? A part of you that seeks adventure leans in to the prospect, while a more cautious, protector part steps on the brake.

EMDR Therapy: Effective Results As Quickly As Possible
Do you feel stuck in your life, unable to move beyond a difficult experience? Or you’ve achieved some symptom reduction in traditional therapy and are now ready to do some next-level healing? EMDR is a powerful and transforming treatment to relieve intense symptoms and suffering so you can finally heal and move forward in your life. You can also keep your therapist and do EMDR as an adjunct healing modality.
EMDR Seems Strange And Confusing, Why Is That?
It’s okay to not fully understand this remarkable therapy because even experts don’t fully understand the magic behind EMDR Treatment, or the neurobiological changes that accompany any healing therapy modality for that matter. It is a procedure with protocol and steps that need to be followed to ensure efficacy. Moving your eyes or tapping seems a bit strange, but once you begin your EMDR treatment, this will all make much more sense. EMDR is often described as a “new” therapy. It is not a new therapy and has actually been around for about thirty years. I’ve been practicing EMDR for a very long time now and I continue to be wowed by this modality, especially when other forms of treatment are woven into EMDR sessions.

Heal Trauma And Reclaim Your Life
Traumatic experiences change the brain. Some changes are meant to protect from future negative experiences. Just as trauma changes the brain, it is possible to heal the brain. Trauma symptoms that live in the nervous system do not have to hold you in its grip forever. As you continue to think, talk, re-tell and act on your experience(s), you reinforce your attachment to what happened, as well as your brain’s wiring and connection, and this serves to maintain your symptoms as you loop on the upsetting memory and trauma responses. As a New York City based Psychotherapist, I work with individuals who have experienced trauma and would like to heal and improve their lives.
The brain and body is designed to heal. We now know that the brain has an amazing capacity to heal by creating new neural pathways. This process is called neuroplasticity. When people are finally able to regain control over their thoughts, behaviors, responses and lives, the brain's limbic system,

Reclaim Your Identity By Healing Your Trauma
We continue to learn about the impact of trauma, and what we do know is that trauma changes the brain. We also know that the brain has tremendous capacity to heal and re-wire. As you continue to think, talk, re-tell and act on your experience(s), you reinforce your attachment to what happened, which exacerbates your symptoms and you loop on the upsetting memory and trauma responses. The goal of successful trauma healing is to free your nervous system from the patterns of trauma symptoms and regain freedom so you can move forward with your life and dreams.
The body is designed to heal. We now know that the brain has an amazing capacity to heal by creating new neural pathways. This process is called neuroplasticity. When people are finally able to regain control over their thoughts, behaviors, responses and lives, the brain's limbic system, parasympathetic and vagus nerve system can normalize.